Saturday, May 26, 2012

4-H is the way to go

Happy 100th Birthday 4-H!
Without this amazing program I would not be the person I am proud to be today.
I joined 4-H when I was 5 years old and completed various projects such as dog, leadership, vet science, small animal and horse. This program taught me leadership skills, how to be organized, interview skills, public speaking skills and many more skills I will use for the rest of my life.
The opportunities 4-H has given me are truly amazing. I am driven and grateful to help out in my community because of what I gained in this program. The friends and experiances 4-H has given me are irreplaceable.
I encourage all youth to join the 4-H program because it will morph the person you are into a better person. I really believe this program makes the best better.

Friday, May 25, 2012

I was this girl in grade school.....

Every lunch and recess during elementary school my best friend and I would trade cut outs of horses and build barns. Sometimes we would play 'horse show' and run around the field like we were mustangs or quarter horses. I was that weird girl in my younger years. Haha.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Disney World

In 82 days I will be moving to Disney World to complete a 6 credit internship. I'll be living there for 5 months and having the time of my life. I can't wait!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta

"Bloody Mary" came on my iPod today and I was reminded why I love Lady Gaga so much.

Friday, May 18, 2012

I want to be friends with these guys

I was looking through an old journal and found a picture I had drawn in 2009, the day before my 20th birthday.  Its all the characteristics that make up my perfect man :)
(not in any particular order)
1. Funny
2. Performs random acts of kindness
3. Loves his mom
4. Drives and awesome vehicle
5. Is in college (or has a degree)
6. Isn't controlling 
7. Can spell very well
8. Goal oriented
9. Great kisser
10. Likes "get to know you" questions
11. Likes ME for ME
12. Doesn't mind Gaga
13. Loves adventures
14. Likes to read
15. Has siblings (I want to be an aunt!)
16. Thinks I'm beautiful (inside and out)
17. Likes Disney
18. Respectful
19. Not a city boy
20. Has never cheated on a girl
21. Loves animals
22. Gentleman
23. Christian
24. Has a sense of style
25. Great smile
26. Pretty eyes
27. Thick hair
28. Can cook

Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Angry Spider

By Lauren Rubin

That big red barn in my backyard
The musky smell, breathings so hard
A pigeons nest, a fat black stray
I hear mice rustle throughout the hay
The sunlight dances through a crack
I set my eye on something whack
A spider's web with words profound
I felt my jaw just hit the ground
Bad words I'd never said before
Words like twat, and bitch, and whore!
Hundreds of webs all over the wall
The colorful spider curled up in a ball
With a poke she expands to show me her size
As big as a platel, backing up would be wise
"I've got a bone to pick with you," she said not so kind
Did that spider just talk?
I think I've lost my mind!
"Earlier last week you squished my lovers guts,
ever since then I've gone simply nuts!
I can't eat, I can't sleep, I just spin day to day.
Planning how to kill you next time you come my way!"
"That wasn't me, I don't kill. I'm with PETA for God's sake!
This lover you speak so fondly of, his life I'd never take!"
With her fangs out, her eyes wide, she pounced onto me
I fell into the sticky web, my panties wet with pee
I struggle, I fight, to escape the gooey trap
No one can hear me as I'm screaming, " Help Me! Crap!"
Her offspring tickle as they crawl up my skin
I pray for God to take me fast and search for my inner Zen
They eat chunks of my belly and nibble at my face
They devour my eyeballs at a very rapid pace
My brain is picked to pieces, my body cold and dead
"That serves her right for killing him," the angry spider said
The arachnids slept with their bellies full as my nerves gave their last twitch
Next time you consider killing the living, remember: Karma is a Bitch

Worlds smallest man and his kitty cat

I love this :)

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

This is the love of my life Justin. We started dating September 15, 2011 and just celebrated our 8 month anniversary. I'm leaving for Disney World for an amazing job opportunity in 3 months and will miss him very much.
This is my best friend in the world Kelsey. She's

First blog entry! Great success! 

I'm Lauren and I'm a small town girl who loves to make others laugh. I'm creating this blog for my public relations writing class and I hope to keep it updated and use it after college. Toodles!